Once Kreeg starts to head back inside he finds a ton of lit jack-o-lanterns on his porch that appeared out of nowhere. Then a little while later Kreeg is distracted by his next door neighbor Steve Wilkins ( Dylan Baker). Then, when the dog gets out through the back door, Sam begins stalking his new victim slowly and quietly. He starts off light, by egging Kreeg's house to make him drop his guard at first. This upsets Sam, and he immediately targets Kreeg and begins his gruesome pursuit of the old man. It all starts when some kids come to Kreeg's house to trick or treat, and he scares them away by dressing up his dog in a scary costume. The most effective and terrifying moments of Sam's reveal are in the sequence with Old Man Kreeg ( Brian Cox).

You don't even see Sam in his costume for the first few scenes, which creates a lot of tension right at the beginning. Throughout most of the film you don't know what Sam actually looks like under the mask, which gives him such a creepy aura. He's not exactly human, but he doesn't look like an animal either, which creates a confusion and creep factor when Sam's true nature is finally revealed in the third act. Once he's unmasked though, he's revealed to be some kind of humanoid pumpkin creature. Which also makes his design fresh and that isn't the easiest thing to achieve in the horror genre. He has this sack head mask and an orange onesie that gives him a creepy and innocent look that's perfectly balanced. He's truly unique in a genre filled with so many other masked killers. Sam's overall design is so fantastic while also being well-thought-out and put together.